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The Result & The Half of Me

with 3 comments


E02. 041303502. Abdul Jabbar. Pass.

Syukur and Thank you Allah so much, and thanks my parents who always support and pray for me, all my friends, and all and every single of you who pray for me too. I wish all of you the best in Allah’s Continuous Assessment and also in your Success in this World. 

A lot of lesson learned, a lot of things happened. I will surely learn from this journey of the long and tiring exam. Such a measure of patience, perseverance are needed. In Allah i confide, and i believe in Him more than ever before, when i was in the dark. 

The light came through, and it can come for you too. You just have to put more thinking into it, think and find it within you, then it will come through. Allah will become nearer to whoever wants to near Him. 

I pass this exam. But my real exam, my real assessment is The Continuous Assessment from Allah, and that is what i really want to excel in.

Congrats to all my friends who passed, and i empathize to whoever who don’t. Allah’s work is beyond imagination, so be patience and build strength in yourself. Failing once, doesnt mean you are nothing. You are something, you are precious, to me, to all the friends, and to your parents. Life is much more than just a mere Dunia’s Exam. I can talk. I can write. But this is just what i can do. Only Allah and through your own effort, a change can be achieved, but i will always pray for you my dear friend. Just believe in yourself. and believe in Allah.

2) Jogjakarta

The journey to find my own family root will be the main objective of my travel to jogjakarta starting this sunday. I am proud of my heritage which i have from my Mom’s side. 

I have a great mom, a great mother who never knew such thing as tiredness and compromise. She brought us up, and with such mental strength she able to brought all of us to become good human being. 

My mom also a great businesswoman, a great person at speech, a good teacher,an excellent aerobic instructor, a well-trained dance instructor, a super mom, and a super duper grandmother.

That is only half of what my mom is versatile in, i don’t need to tell about her modelling and other things, which is for a good cause of course, cancer movement and else.

Half of my genetics including the X gene are from her. I just wanted to know, and wanted to learn, and wanted to venture, and wanted to explore, wanted to embrace what it is like, what it is feel to be in the world were half of my genetics is, which is Java Island, Indonesia.

Half of me is in there, so i want to explore and experience it first hand, in a simplest sentence!

It would be for full 5 weeks / 38 days. This is the longest travelling, the longest journey, the longest stay i would be up till now. But this is also, the only  travelling episode which has the least amount of planning. Almost nothing.

Waaaah, i just want to go. No planning is at times very very good, that is when you get the real experience, you dont know what to expect, and no influence externally which may / may not affect your travelling experience.

I am planning to write from cybercafe of my journey and experience. just see how laa.. i can’t promise anything hehe.

For your info, this is the start of what i call my own “The South East Asia Conquest”, comprising of many future projects and travelling.

Written by dr.jabbar

April 3, 2009 at 3:39 pm

3 Responses

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  1. bro, seriously I’m happy for u.
    happy travelling.
    send my regards to the green forest, and the blue sky, and the crystal clear water, and also your dream.


    April 4, 2009 at 1:51 am

  2. jabbar, u busy dengan exam, i busy dengan kerja. haha. memang last 2 weeks i busy sangat2 sampai nak update blog pon tak sempat. sekarand dah ada masa sikit. congrats u dah PASS!


    April 6, 2009 at 11:03 pm

  3. tahniah omedetou gozaimasu , yoku gambatta ! lepah ni kerja kat mana pulak hang ? tka balik m’sia lagi ka ?


    April 15, 2009 at 7:06 pm

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